Social Events and Activities

Your condo fees do not support/fund the Social Committee and its  activities.

All events are fully funded by the members of the committee with the hope that our holiday fund makes a small profit from each activity, which does not always happen. For a nominal charge you can participate in the event, meet your neighbours and make new friends!

How to Start a Group

Informal groups are encouraged to form by residents who have a shared interest.

Put up a poster with a sign up sheet by the mailboxes, stating a time for an introductory meeting to discuss the day(s) and time(s) they would meet and setting up guidelines, such as what to bring to the meetings. Please put your name and possibly  your phone number on the poster. It is a bit scary to sign up to an anonymous group!

Groups can be formed for such things as knitting or handwork, book clubs,  watching the big tournaments together, bridge, euchre, recipe exchange, chit and chat, etc.

When the days and times are decided, the group host would contact Leo to book the Gathering Place, on the lower level. In the summer the patio is also available.

Popcorn would be available if wanted. There is a coffee machine that uses pods in the room.

Participants would  bring any other supplies they require.





We have no set dates, we try to have one each month, Canada Day, Labour Day etc.  These rely on long range weather reports. The menu changes according to our whims, but we try to mix it up, hot dogs and sausage, hamburgers,  chicken on a bun, sometimes salads, cookies, sundaes, squares. Casual food . We just encourage everyone to come out and visit with their neighbours!

Please support the Social Committee

We would like to encourage everyone to continue to support the Committee in the wine and liquor bottle drive, by placing their empty bottles in the recycling in the garbage room. Every donation adds to our savings toward the Holiday Party in December.

Thank You to Our Social Committee

A large thank you to the Social Committee for all their help in every activity. Your generosity in donating your time and efforts, and in the majority of the events the expense of the food and then the preparation of our menus. Because of their monetary  donations they are a major donor to the December event.